This year’s Leadership Summit will be hosted at Rice University, June 19-24, 2017, with breakfast, lunch, and parking provided. This is an intensive six-day institute where district and school leaders explore themes that are shaping 21st-century education: collaboration/culture, budgets as a tool for reform, mindsets, “cage-busting leadership”, advanced problem solving methodology, and distributed leadership. Through a research-based understanding of current and emerging best practices, participants work with Rice faculty and renown national faculty to support leaders in the ways they can most effectively improve learning and achievement in the coming decade and beyond. Participants work in a team environment to apply their educational goals as they grapple with the most pressing questions facing educators today.
Tuition: $6,100 per person
Application Deadline: May 1, 2017
The summit engages participants through a variety of formats, including interactive plenary sessions, topic-specific workshops, and teams working collaboratively on real issues. Participants walk away with new tools, insight, and inspiration. In short, the summit promises to be transformational. See Leadership Summit Highlights. Please contact us for more information.
Changing Times: Dr. Steve Kleinberg – Rice University
Dr. Kleinberg is the founding director of the Kinder Institute and a demographics expert and sociologist.
Transformational Leadership: Dr. Anthony Muhammad – CEO of New Frontier 21 Consulting
Dr. Muhammad is recognized as one of the field’s leading experts in the areas of school culture and organizational climate.
Problem Solving Methodology: Dr. Lawrence Kohn and Dr. Cecilia Hawkins – Leadership Partner Founding Members
Dr. Kohn and Dr. Hawkins help participants engage in problem definition, root cause analysis, divergent and convergent thinking and solution generation, in order to help define and solve problems with precision.
Leithwood Pathways: Cecilia Hawkins and Lawrence Kohn.
This session shares one of the most powerful models for improving learning and achievement in schools. The Four Paths Model, developed by renowned researcher and professor, Ken Leithwood, illustrates how principals can directly impact the conditions in schools that matter the most. Understanding these paths and conditions allows a campus principal to diagnose and design with precision. Dr. Leithwood is one of our consultants and will be Skyped in for Q&A during this session.
Data Analytics: ERG Team – Education Resource Group
ERG provides a Desktop Analyst System which provides administrators with the tools to realistically measure analyze and compare the entire spectrum of school district performance data. ERG believes the most powerful force for change and improvement in public education is better information in the hands of enlightened leadership teams.
Distributed Leadership: Dr. James Spillane – Northwestern University, Senior Research Specialist for Consortium for Policy Research in Education
Dr. Spillane explores policy implementation processes at the state, school district, school and classroom levels. He works to develop a cognitive perspective on the implementation process, exploring how local policy-makers, both administrators and teachers, come to understand state and national reforms.
Leadership Mindsets: Dr. Rick Hess – Resident Scholar and Director of Education Policy Studies
Dr. Hess is an educator, political scientist and author, and his books include “The Cage-Busting Teacher,” “Cage-Busting Leadership,” “Breakthrough Leadership in the Digital Age,” “The Same Thing Over and Over,” “Education Unbound,” “Common Sense School Reform,” “Revolution at the Margins,” and “Spinning Wheels.
Budgets as Tools for Reform: Dr. Marguerite Roza – Georgetown University
Dr. Roza’s research focuses on quantitative policy analysis, particularly in education finance.
Using Technology and Tools: Dr. Rick Hess
Budgets as Tools for Reform: Marguerite Roza
Application of Problem Solving: Dr. Rick Hess/Marguerite Roza
Open Mic with TEA: Dr. AJ Crabill – Deputy Commissioner of Governance at the Texas Education Agency (TEA)
Dr. Crabill is responsible for the Accreditation & School Improvement Division, as well as Complaints, Investigations & Enforcement.