Qualitative Responses
Participants were asked: “How does the overall leadership development offered by Leadership Partners compare to other leadership development experiences you have had?” (n=101)
96% say that “This is the best leadership development program I ever experience (49.5%) or “This is among the best leadership development program I ever experienced” (46.5%).
Only 4% (4/101 participants) said “This is no better or worse than other leadership development programs I have experienced.”
Participants were asked: What are the most powerful takeaways for you concerning your entire experience with Leadership Partners? (n=111)
That I need to have confidence in my Abilities to lead because I can do it!!!
To continue to be a positive force in the lives of others I work with, try to see things through the green lens, see where others are coming from but try to build consensus in all aspects towards goals. Address things that can be addressed and changed and prioritize and focus on what works and can be done when there are things we can’t change.
The coaching. I want to implement the coaching technique that was used with me and assist my teachers in the same manner.
Coaching is good for everyone. Self care and reflection help you grow as a leader.
The coaching sessions were so beneficial to me as a person and as a leader! I learned to be more reflective and my perspective of life events have changed because of it.
I honestly enjoyed all of it. I would probably choose the coaching sessions as my favorite and most helpful.
My standards of integrity and asking for feedback
There are several take aways. The importance of effective and affective coaching is invaluable.
The 360 feedback was great
One of the greatest takeaways is that I matter. As a leader, I have to be whole and full in order to give to my campus and students. It is okay to take care of myself and meet my own needs. Even being able to spend a day off campus for my own development is worth it.
Discovering many things about myself and how others perceived me. Likewise, the conversations with the coach and the tools provided have helped me in my personal and professional journey.
It has been a great journey! Loved the Rice Business Professors and their connection to schools.
The trainings and coaching helped to bring more awareness about self to better lead others (students and staff).
The most powerful takeaways are to have more positive self-talk and to keep abreast of what is going on in Houston as it will inform the educational landscape.
The coaching was powerful. It forced me to focus on myself first as a human which directly correlates to my leadership skills.
My most powerful takeaway is being intentional in every action and interaction that I have with teachers, students, and my community. Everything isn’t meant to be said if it’s not aiding to someone else’s growth as a person. I sincerely appreciated the opportunity to grow.
Taking time to think about myself.
We are all going through similar circumstances, and utilize the people around me.
The collaboration with peers and the readings and exercises
The importance of productive conflict
The coaching
I must establish healthy routines to execute healthy leadership moves and build successful teams.
Learning from others experiences
I enjoyed being around educators from diverse backgrounds and value their input and insight.
The attention at detail that has been embedded in everything was incredible!
Coaching was great.
My script.
Be patient and kind to myself. Take care of myself.
The coaching was powerful. The way that my coach guided my reflection produced positive changes in my behavior.
Becoming a change agent for our students and staff.
It is so important to take care of yourself in order to be a great leader. Before this program, I thought I practiced self-care, but I was quickly reminded that I need to do more of it in order to be a truly effective leader. I’ve learned that its extremely important to recognize who your customers are and even more important to stick to a Mission and Vision that you are actually seeing happen on your campus. Additionally, lead my example and ALWAYS stay positive instead of pushing the “toxic positivity.” Lastly, RELATIONSHIPS! I don’t think I could say enough about how important it is to lead with love, empathy, and care. Building solid relationships (students AND teachers/faculty) is the true way to make sure that practices are implemented and that you are leading your campus forward.
Building relationships and coaching.
Personally, that I have what it takes to lead a school and that I am in control of my leadership journey.
Overall leadership strategies
Relationship building is key.
As a leader it is important to be my best self so that I can best serve and lead those around me.
To focus on myself first and to only focus on a few things at work so I’m not spreading myself too thin. Also to always be intentional and look at the big picture.
Reflect and envision what you want, keep telling yourself that those things will happen, and strive to become that future.
I have received research-based affirmation regarding approaches to leadership of learners.
Learning to look through different lenses as you explore problems or challenges.
One of the big takeaways is understanding the personality traits of those we lead. Forcing collaboration on an introvert may lead to poorer performance and declining relationships because of stress and anxiety.
The social emotional learning serie has provided me with new tools to deal issues.
That I will always learn as a leader and I will continue to grow as a leader. I learned that being a great leader is about knowing yourself and others and building relationships with the people you lead.
I have learned to look at things from different lenses and to take care of myself.
The coaching sessions
The importance of focusing on what’s important and to engage in positive self-talk.
The coaching was good.
The coaching sessions. Mrs. Dusty was phenomenal.
I’m not sure
You have to be ready to change your personal side to impact your professional side.
Overcoming obstacles to accomplish and achieve
Increasing my self-awareness and self-regulating abilities.
Working with the coach throughout the year.
I’ve learned about myself more than I anticipated.
Be self reflective! Take care of myself and show up my best self!!
Being an effective leader requires a wholistic developmental approach. Leadership is much more than merely technical expertise.
What it really means to have authentic relationships with others, and that these relationships can hold the key to moving to the next level.
Get connected and lead with everything in mind.
Organization priorities and types of personnel
Leave a mark
Powerful, worth every minute!
That I’m on the right track and that my continued growth can grow and impact others exponentially.
It was time well spent. I am my greatest asset and to ignore developing myself is to be neglectful. If I’m not in a good place as a person, it will be difficult to lead others well.
That I am worthy of leading.
I don’t feel guilty when I take time for myself. I give myself time to recharge and regroup.
The level of professionalism and personal attention.
The Science of leadership.
My biggest takeaways are the wealth of knowledge I gained from the presenters.
You get out of it what you put into it! You have to focus on leading yourself before you can lead others.
Everything starts and is created in your mind and through self-talk first. I will keep my script or some version of it forever. It has changed my mind.
My core is pointed north.
Emphasis on building relationships and focusing on myself are vital.
The personal approach to leadership and leading change on a campus and district.
Take care of me so that I can better serve others. Know myself – strengths and weaknesses to be a better leader, mother, person, to be open minded, build relationships, and the coaching was very valuable.
The take away as for me are the strategies I can know use to be a better leader for my team.
People and culture are essential. And who you think of yourself as a leader you are.
Make yourself better and grow so that you can help others be their best and grow.
True and honest growth. Better self as a whole.
I now have a TOOLBOX!
How much more collaborative leading is then I initially understood.
This academy builds us as a whole.
I need to invest in myself as a leader continuously so I can be an effective leader.
I loved the session on customer service and marketing your brand. A whole new way to look at things.
How to care for myself as well as be the leader I desire to be
Leadership is a journey and that you have to take care of the whole person to be the best for your school community.
Self-reflection Harness emotions Collaborate Get to know others deeply Show up as my best self everyday Make decisions that align with my values
The power in the room was palpable. It was great having so many strong leaders to connect with.
I loved all of the sessions and found them so important.
Understand who you are and the role it plays in how you lead.
Branding your school to meet your customers needs Dr. Brent Smith
Understanding leadership
Learning that I need to take care of my mental and physical health above all else.
The support I received from y executive coach.
Power in Self Reflection
How others view me and how I am to grow from it.
The importance of understanding my own leadership style and the impact it has on relationships and teams at my campus.